Shipping Delay

Regarding delays in logistics information
Generally, our order products will be prepared and shipped within 0-7 days. At the same time, your contact email will receive the tracking information of the shipped products (you can check it on the public logistics tracking website). Due to the year-end promotions, there is currently a large backlog of orders, which requires a certain amount of preparation time. Once the preparation is completed, we will send the goods to you.
If you purchase but do not receive delivery information within 0-7 days, it may be due to the following reasons:

  • The contact email address is incorrect;
  • Logistics in some areas are temporarily unable to deliver goods due to force majeure (including but not limited to abnormal weather, etc.);
  • Some items in your order are temporarily out of stock;
  • Other reasons etc.

You can make inquiries to our customer service email or Meta homepage customer service. When asking, please include your order number, order time and other relevant information. We will have a dedicated customer service team to check the status of your order for you. 

  • If the contact email is filled in incorrectly, you can contact customer service to make changes;
  • If it is due to force majeure, we will follow up with you on the order information;
  • If the product is temporarily out of stock, you can contact customer service to cancel or suspend some products. We will not charge excess fees for this part, so please rest assured.